By using paint in inventive ways, decorative painting enhances the appeal of a living place or work environment. It is available in a wide range of styles and skill levels, from the most straightforward to the most deftly artistic design.

The impact of just paint and thinking can be significant in any technique. We offer various forms of decorative painting, including wall design, floor design, mural painting, marble design, stencil design, and concrete/cement finishing, and have a great reputation among the top decorative painting firms in Dubai.

You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking for the best painting and decorating services. One of the finest painters and decorators in Dubai is CAPITAL

We strive to stay ahead of the competition by constantly working to improve Jotun’s entire product portfolio. With powerful tools such as state of the art lab facilities and technology, this comprehensive approach is divided into several areas of focus. These include:
- Performance coatings – Fouling Protection (Hull Performance)
- Performance coatings – Anticorrosives
- Performance coatings – Powder coatings
- Performance coating – Topcoats
- Performance coating – Specialities
- Decorative coatings – Interior
- Decorative coatings – Exterior
- Binder technology research
- Analytical research
- Multicolor